But before jumping off the deep end and telling everyone to make a mobile friendly web site, a close look at some recent statistics is in order.
Techcrunch had 2014 as the year total desktop web users were first outnumbered by mobile web users. And in K-12 we are already seeing more families where their only Internet access is via a mobile device. But before making your site mobile, consider
this key metric from Flurry Analytics. Their recent data shows that in just once year, mobile device users spend 86 percent of their time in mobile apps daily, versus just 14% on the mobile web. Mobile web use fell 6% in just one year.
So while appeasing the voracious mobile beast, K-12 districts need to look at their strategy closely. Is a mobile web site good enough? The data says otherwise. Districts are going to need to seriously look at
creating a mobile app, paying a company to do it, or subscribing to one of the increasing number of K-12 mobile app providers.
This blog entry is cross posted with the great folks at SchoolCIO