Judson ISD Earns
National Digital Achievement Award
Each year The Center For Digital Education recognizes school districts
and other educational institutions for their contributions toward excellence in
digital learning. Judson ISD is the
winner of the K-12 District Education Application/Project category. The winning project is the district’s mobile
app called “Judson ISD Connect.” This
app for iOS, Android and Kindle allows students or parents to check grades, attendance,
calendars, spo
rting events, news, district events and even features a “report it” button to anonymously report bullying, fraud or crime. Judson ISD Connect was created by Judson ISD’s Technology Services Department, using an innovative web development platform from Conduit Mobile.
This award is the
latest that Judson ISD has earned. Last year shortly after the app was released
it became winners of the Webby Awards, Horizon Interactive and the Lovie Awards
(International Competition). While those awards are great, this latest
recognition from the DEAA is special because of its unique focus on the
connection of digital technology and its application to education.
Links that may be
- Judson ISD Connect app page: http://www.judsonisd.org/district/technology/jisd_mobile.cfm
- Conduit Mobile: http://mobile.conduit.com/
- Awards Page: http://www.centerdigitaled.com/awards/education-achievement/2013-Best-of-the-Web-and-Education-Achievement-Awards.html